The AvaSpec-ULS4096CL-EVO is available as an OEM unit, bench-only, or rackmount version.

A high-resolution spectrometer from our EVO series: the AvaSpec-ULS4096CL-EVO. Using CMOS instead of the conventional CCD technology, this spectrometer is entirely up to date and ready for the next decade. With their 4096 pixels, these spectrometers are tailored for high-resolution applications like plasma measurements and LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy).

The dominant position of CCD detectors in the spectrometer field is fading, and new technologies, like CMOS, have evolved and become suitable alternatives. The AvaSpec-ULS4096CL-EVO offers you this latest technology ensuring a spectrometer platform for the coming years.

Combined with our latest AS-7010 electronics, it offers you a versatile device, including USB3.0 communication with ten times higher speed compared to USB2, and a second communication port which offers Gigabit Ethernet for integration in your company network and the possibility for long-distance communication at an affordable price. Besides the high-speed communication options, the EVO also offers a fast microprocessor and 50 times more memory capacity, which can help you to store more spectra onboard and realize more functionality.

Options include a detector collection lens to enhance sensitivity in the 200 to 1100 nm range and an order-sorting filter to reduce second-order effects. Furthermore, the AvaSpec-ULS4096CL-EVO has a wide range of slit sizes, gratings, and fiber-optic entrance connectors. It comes with AvaSoft-Basic software, a USB cable, and an extensive manual.

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Product information

Optical bench Ultra-low stray light (ULS) symmetrical Czerny-Turner, 75 mm focal length
Wavelength range 200-1100 nm
Resolution 0.05-20 nm, depending on configuration
Stray light 0.19-1.0%, depending on grating
Sensitivity in counts/µW per ms integration time 218,000
Detector CMOS linear image sensor
Signal/noise 335:1
AD converter 16 bit, 6 MHz
Integration time 9 µs-40 sec
Interface USB 3.0 high speed, 5 Gbps, Gigabit Ehternet 1 Gbps
Sample speed with on-board averaging 0.70 ms/scan
Dynamic Range 3600
Data transfer speed 0.70 ms/scan (USB3), 1.31 ms (ETH)
Digital IO HD-26 connector, 2 Analog in, 2 Analog out, 13 Digital bidirectional, trigger, sync., strobe, laser
Power supply Default USB3 power, 532 mA / Or 12 VDC, 300 mA
Dimensions, weight 177 x 127 x 44,5 mm (1 channel), 1155 g
Use Useable range (nm) Spectral range (nm) Lines/mm Blaze (nm) Order code
UV/VIS/NIR 200-1100** 900** 300 300 UA
UV/VIS/NIR 200-1100** 900** 300 300/1000 UNA-DB
UV/VIS 200-850 515 600 300 UB
UV 200-750 247-218* 1200 250 UC
UV 200-650 163-143* 1800 UV UD
UV 200-580 113-69* 2400 UV UE
UV 200-400 69-45* 3600 UV UF
UV/VIS 250-850 515 600 400 BB
VIS/NIR 300-1100** 800** 300 500 VA
VIS 360-1000 495 600 500 VB
VIS 300-800 247-218* 1200 500 VC
VIS 350-750 142-89* 1800 500 VD
VIS 350-640 74-49* 2400 VIS VE
NIR 500-1050 495 600 750 NB
NIR 500-1050 218-148* 1200 750 NC
NIR 600-1100 346-297* 830 800 SI
NIR 600-1100** 500** 300 1000 IA
NIR 600-1100 495 600 1000 IB

*Depends on the starting wavelength of the grating; the higher the wavelength, the bigger the dispersion and the smaller the range to select. **Please note that not all 4096 pixels will be used for the useable range.

Slit size (µm) 10 25 50 100 200 500
FWHM in nm
300 lines/mm grating 0.50-0.70 1.20-1.30* 2.17 4.6 9.0 20.0
600 lines/mm grating 0.30-0.36* 0.58-0.60 1.17 2.20 4.5 10.0
830 lines/mm grating 0.25 0.48 0.93 1.7 3.4 8.0
1200 lines/mm grating 0.14-0.18* 0.30 0.62 1.08 2.2 5.0
1800 lines/mm grating 0.09-0.11* 0.18 0.36-0.40* 0.78 1.5 3.7
2400 lines/mm grating 0.07-0.09* 0.13-0.15* 0.26-0.32* 0.40-0.64* 1.1 2.7
3600 lines/mm grating 0.05-0.06* 0.10 0.19 0.4 0.8 2.0

*Depends on the starting wavelength of the grating; the higher the wavelength, the bigger the dispersion and the higher the resolution. **Expected resolution gain with a 5 micrometer slit will be a factor of 0.8

AvaSpec-ULS4096CL-EVO Fiber-optic Spectrometer, 75 mm AvaBench, 4096 pixel CMOS detector 7×200 µm, USB powered, high-speed USB 3.0 and ETH interface, incl. AvaSoft-Basic, USB cable. Specify grating, wavelength range and options
PS-12V/2.08A External power supply, needed for operation in ETH mode or with USB2 ports
-RS Replaceable slit
DCL-UV/VIS-200 Detector collection Lens to enhance sensitivity, Quartz, 200-1100 nm
SLIT-XX Slit size, please specify XX = 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 µm
SLIT-XX-RS Replaceable slit with SMA connector, specificy slit size XX=25, 50, 100, 200 or 500 µm. Only in combination with AvaSpec-ULS4096CL-EVO-RS
SLIT-XX-RS-FCPC As SLIT-XX-RS, but with FC/PC connector
OSF-YYY Order sorting filter for reduction of 2nd order effects, 3 mm thick, please specify YYY= 305, 395, 475, 515, 550, 600 nm
OSC Order-sorting coating with 600 nm long-pass filter for BB (>350 nm) and VB gratings, recommended with OSF-305
OSC-UA Order sorting coating with 350 and 600 nm linear variable filter for UA and VA gratings in AvaSpec-ULS4096CL-EVO
OSC-UB Order sorting coating with 350 and 600 nm longpass filter for UB or BB (<350nm) gratings in AvaSpec-ULS4096CL-EVO
-FCPC FC/PC fiber-optic connector