Meet the AvaSpec-Mini; a compact, versatile, USB-powered spectrometer, available in several versions. These compact units only have the size of a deck of cards, with excellent temperature and wavelength stability. These instruments are easy to take anywhere you like and are very well-suited for handheld applications.

Next-Gen successor arrived

After years of successful implementation with our valued customers, the AvaSpec-Mini Spectrometer is being retired and replaced by its next-generation successor; AvaSpec-NEXOS™.

The NEXOS™ spectrometer offers high-end performance with high speed, minimal stray light, and a high signal-to-noise ratio. All variations are compatible with Avantes light sources, accessories, and AvaSoft software. Learn more about the NEXOS™ and its advantages.

Next-Gen successor arrived; AvaSpec-NEXOS™

For an even more advanced and reliable solution, we invite you to explore the Nexos, the successor to the Mini Spectrometer. With enhanced capabilities and cutting-edge technology, the Nexos is designed to meet all your spectroscopy needs.

  • Lightweight and high-end performance spectrometer
  • Integration times of up to 9 μs
  • Minimal stray light as low as 0.1%
  • Strong signal-to-noise ratio of 375:1
  • Optimized for spectroscopy integration

Discover the NEXOS!

CMOS inside

The AvaSpec-Mini-CL series can be equipped with a 2048-pixel CMOS detector or our first-to-the-market 4096-pixel array. Enjoy the speed and enhanced native UV/NIR response of CMOS with an incredible resolution of up to 0.09 nm unavailable anywhere else. The low stray-light design allows stray-light levels from as low as 0.2%, and the fast response time boasts data transfer speeds as fast as 4.6 ms/scan and integration times ranging from 30 µs to 50 s.

For enhanced performance, we recommend you explore the AvaSpec-NEXOS. This product is the latest addition to our compact series and incorporates the very latest in technology.

Are you interested in what Avantes spectroscopy can do for you? Please contact us!


Product Information

AvaSpec-Mini2048CL (No longer available for purchase) AvaSpec-Mini4096CL (No longer available for purchase)
Optical bench Symmetrical Czerny-Turner, 75 mm focal length Symmetrical Czerny-Turner, 75 mm focal length
Wavelength range 200-1100 nm 200-1100 nm
Stray light 0.2-1% 0.2-1%
Sensitivity in counts/µW per ms integration time 337,500 261,000
Detector HAM S11639, CMOS linear array, 2048 pixels (14 x 200 µm) HAM S13496, CMOS linear array, 4096 pixels (7 x 200 µm)
Signal/noise 330:1 300:1
AD converter 16 bit, MHz 16 bit, 6 MHz
Integration time 30 µs-40 sec 30 µs-50 sec
Interface USB 2.0 (480 Mbps), pigtailed (40 cm) USB-A USB 2.0 (480 Mbps), pigtailed (40 cm) USB-A
Sample speed with on-board averaging 3.0 ms/scan 6.5 ms/scan
Data transfer speed 4.6 ms/scan 8.9 ms/scan
I/O 5 bidirectional programmable I/O; 1 analog out; 1 analog in, 1 x 5 V 5 bidirectional programmable I/O; 1 analog out; 1 analog in, 1 x 5 V
Power supply Default USB connector Default USB connector
Power consumption 225 mA, 5Vdc 225 mA, 5Vdc
Dimensions, weight 95 x 68 x 20 mm, 175 g 95 x 68 x 20 mm, 175 g
Operating temperature range 0-55°C 0-55°C
Gratings for both versions Useable range (nm) Spectral range (nm) Lines/mm Blaze (nm) Order code
UV/VIS/NIR 200-1100** 891** 300 300 MN0300-0.30
UV/VIS 200-850 515 600 300 MN0600-0.30
UV 200-750 247-218* 1200 250 MN1200-0.25
UV 200-650 163-143* 1800 UV MN1800-0.25
UV 200-580 113-69* 2400 UV MN2400-0.25
UV 200-400 69-45* 3600 UV MN3600-0.25
UV/VIS 250-850 515 600 400 MN0600-0.40
VIS/NIR 300-1100** 792** 300 500 MN0300-0.50
VIS 360-1000 495 600 500 MN0600-0.50
VIS 300-800 247-218* 1200 500 MN1200-0.50
VIS 350-750 142-89* 1800 500 MN1800-0.50
VIS 350-640 74-49* 2400 VIS MN2400-0.50
NIR 500-1050 495 600 750 MN0600-0.75
NIR 500-1050 218-148* 1200 750 MN1200-0.75
NIR 600-1160 346-297* 830 800 MN0830-0.80
NIR 600-1100** 495** 300 1000 MN0300-1.00
NIR 600-1100 495 600 1000 MN0600-1.00

A selected set of possible start-stop ranges (recipes) apply. Please contact us to discuss your options.

Slit size (µm) 10 25 50 100 200 500
FWHM in nm
Mini2048CL resolution
300 lines/mm grating 1.0 1.4 2.5 4.8 9.2 21.3
600 lines/mm grating 0.40-0.53* 0.7 1.2 2.4 4.6 10.8
830 lines/mm grating 0.32 0.48 0.93 1.7 3.4 8.5
1200 lines/mm grating 0.20-0.28* 0.27-0.38* 0.52-0.66* 1.1 2.3 5.4
1800 lines/mm grating 0.10-0.18* 0.20-0.29* 0.34-0.42* 0.8 1.6 3.6
2400 lines/mm grating 0.09-0.13* 0.13-0.17* 0.26-0.34* 0.44-0.64* 1.1 2.7
3600 lines/mm grating 0.06-0.08* 0.10 0.19 0.4 0.8 1.8
Mini4096CL resolution
300 lines/mm grating 0.50-0.70 1.20-1.30* 2.17 4.6 9.0 20.0
600 lines/mm grating 0.30-0.36* 0.58-0.60 1.17 2.20 4.5 10.0
830 lines/mm grating 0.25 0.48 0.93 1.7 3.4 8.0
1200 lines/mm grating 0.14-0.18* 0.30 0.62 1.08 2.2 5.0
1800 lines/mm grating 0.09-0.11* 0.18 0.36-0.40* 0.78 15 3.7
2400 lines/mm grating 0.07-0.09* 0.13-0.17* 0.26-0.32* 0.40-0.64* 1.1 2.7
3600 lines/mm grating 0.05-0.06* 0.10 0.19 0.4 0.8 2.0

*Depends on the starting wavelength of the grating; the higher the wavelength, the bigger the dispersion and the higher the resolution.

AvaSpec-Mini2048CL (No longer available for purchase) Mini fiber-optic spectrometer, 75 mm focal length, 2048 pixel CMOS detector,USB 2 powered interface, including DCL
AvaSpec-Mini4096CL Mini fiber-optic spectrometer, 75 mm focal length, 4096 pixel CMOS detector, USB 2 powered interface, including DCL Specify grating, wavelength range and options. Other gratings are available on request.
SLIT-XX Slit size, please specify XX = 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 µm (5 μm possible on request)
OSC Order sorting coating for grating MN 600-0.50, recommended with OSF-305
OSC-UA Order sorting coating for grating MN 300-0.30
OSC-VA Order sorting coating for grating MN 300-0.50, recommended with OSF-305
OSF-YYY-3 Order sorting filter for reduction of second-order effects, please specify YYY = 305, 395, 475, 515, 550 or 600 nm, depends on range