Without our distributing partners, Avantes wouldn’t be the same. That’s why we would like to put them in the spotlight and introduce them through a short interview. This month in the spotlights; JinYoung Technology, located in South Korea. We spoke with the owner, Hae-Kwon Lee.
About JinYoung Tech
JinYoung Tech is a Korean company, established in 2004. “With 4 employees we work from our office in Seoul”, Hae-Kwon explains. They are an exclusive agency for analysis and measurement equipment. “We provide reliable and responsible service from sales to maintenance and repair”, he adds.
“Working with Avantes feels like working with friends. Peter always gives us the best support and help ever since we started the partnership”
About Hae-Kwon Lee
Hae-Kwon is the proud owner of JinYoung Tech and enjoys every day at work. “In my free time I enjoy outdoor activities like mountain climbing, cycling, running, weight training and so on”, says Hae-Kwon. “I studied chemistry and worked as a sales engineer at several companies for 10 years. After that, I founded JinYoung Tech”, he adds.
JinYoung Tech and Avantes
In 2006 the partnership between JinYoung Tech and Avantes started. “Working with Avantes feels like working with friends. We were growing up with them and Peter always gives us the best support and help ever since we started the partnership”, Hae-Kwon explains. “It’s so nice to visit Avantes in The Netherlands. I’ve visited more than 10 times and always enjoy the Distributor Meetings. We even won a few Distributor Awards”, he proudly concludes.
We are very proud to call JinYoung Tech our partner and hope our partnership will continue for a long time!

More information:
Website: http://www.jytech.com