Avantes wouldn’t be the same without its distributing partners, which is why we would like to put them in the spotlights by introducing them through a series of short interviews. In the spotlights this month: Israeli-based company Rosh Electroptics. We spoke with Meir Rubin, CEO of Rosh Electroptics.
About Rosh Electroptics
Rosh Electroptics is an Israeli company, representing suppliers from all around the world. Rosh was established in 1983 by Ephraim Rubin, Meir’s father. ‘The electro-optics market is a fast-growing market in Israel, which is reflected in our company,’ Meir explains. ‘Rosh has grown dramatically over the past couple of years and now has 17 employees working here,’ Meir adds.
I get so much joy out of helping our customers find the right solution, together with my team.
About Meir Rubin
Meir has been working with Rosh for 15 years. ‘I’m 43 years old now and had the pleasure of working together with my dad until he retired,’ Meir says. When we ask about Meir’s hobbies, he laughs and says: ‘I don’t really have any hobbies – my work is my hobby! I get so much joy out of helping our customers find the right solution, together with my team. We all work hard to serve the Israeli electro-optics community.’
Rosh Electroptics and Avantes
Avantes and Rosh Electroptics partnered up around five years ago. ‘We had a need for a good and reliable spectrometer supplier,’ Meir says. ‘After some research, we came across Avantes and we’ve been working together for five years now. We’re very happy with the partnership. Avantes is a reliable supplier that offers great service and products,’ Meir concludes.
We are very proud of our partnership with Rosh Electroptics!

More information about Rosh Electroptics:
Website: https://roshelop.co.il
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rosh-electroptics-ltd/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RElectroptics