How do you assess the sweetness of an apple—without taking a single bite?

In the fruit industry, maintaining quality control without damaging the product is a constant challenge. That’s where nondestructive testing methods come in, and visible/near-infrared (VIS/NIR) spectroscopy is quickly becoming a go-to solution. This powerful technique allows growers and producers to evaluate internal fruit quality—like soluble solids content (SSC, or °Brix)—quickly, accurately, and without altering the fruit.

What to expect

In this application note, we demonstrate how the VARIUSTM spectrometer can be used to estimate SSC in apples using spectral data in the 600–1100 nm range combined with chemometric modeling. With a simplified setup, we highlight how fast, real-time measurements and predictive modeling (PLS regression) can support sorting processes in industrial environments—without damaging a single apple. The result? A strong correlation between predicted and measured °Brix values showcases the potential of VIS/NIR spectroscopy for smarter, more sustainable fruit quality assessment.

Explore the full story

Download the full application note to discover how Avantes spectroscopy solutions can transform your approach to fruit grading and quality control.

Application Note Fruit Quality Assessment

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